How someone can be infected with cancer and how to cancer prevention

The cancer is often known by the community as the tumor, whereas not all tumors are cancerous. The tumor is any abnormal lumps or abnormal. Tumors are divided into two groups, namely the benign tumor and malignant tumor. Cancer is a generic term for all types of malignant tumors.

How someone can be infected with cancer and how to cancer prevention

Now the question becomes what is cancer?

How someone can be infected with cancer and how to cancer prevention
Cancer is a disease resulting from abnormal growth of the cells of the body's tissuesare turns into cancer cells. In the process, these cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body so that it can cause death. As is the case of the death of Actor lessons"Alan Rickman" who died at the age of 69 years after battling cancer.

Cancer usually often afflicts people aged 40 years and above, sekitan stats helper monkeys were not a benchmark because cancer can happen to everyone on every part of the body, and on all of the priesthood.

How to sign a developing cancer?

1. Timing of bowel movements or small changes are made to the habits or disorders.
2. gastrointestinal Tool distracted and hard to swallow.
3. Hoarseness or a cough that does not heal
4. Breast or elsewhere is no lump (tumor).
5. A Mole that changes its nature, become increasingly large and itch.
6. abnormal mucus or Blood out of the body
7. Presence of the ulcers or koreng to heal.

Several people will start thinking if healthiest himself and will not be affected by cancer but with the knowledge that you get last could be the lesson if all those potentially affected by cancer. To see the types of cancer most common types and how to prevention please see --->> Most dangerous type of cancer.

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