Common symptoms breast cancer and How to prevent

The cells in our body usually grow and multiply on a regular basis. The new cells are only formed when needed. But the process in the body of the person with cancer will be different. The process will be run in unnatural growth and proliferation of cells into uncontrolled. These abnormal cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. This is called cancer metastasis that is experiencing.

Types Of Breast Cancer:

Invasive breast cancer
The most common form of invasive breast cancer are ductal invasive breast cancer that develops on the channel-forming cells of the breast. The word invasive means this cancer can spread outside the breast.

Non-invasive breast cancer
Usually found through mammography because rarely cause bumps, This type is also called pre cancer. The most common type of cancer isductal carcinoma in situ. This type of breast cancer is benign and is found in the ducts (duct), as well as breast has not spread.

From that explanation can be known if invasive cancer is dangerous and could spread on other organs can also lead to amputation and death.

Traits for invasive cancer:
-There were ulcers on the breast.
-The pain that has been very painful.
-Bleed Breast and festering.
-A lump had already great and even the exact size is not known.
-Smell unpleasant.
-Feels very hot and smarting.
-Weight decreases quickly
-Complications of other diseases

You should also read >> 10 Most dangerous types cancer

How to prevent:
regular exercise
Maintain weight
Do not eat food containing harmful substances
Not smoking
Do not eat and drink containing alcohol
Drinking plenty of water that is hygienic
Eating fruit and vegetables on a regular basis
Checking immediately when there is a lump in the breast or under the armpit

Treatment that can be taken:
1. Chemotherapy
2. Hormonal therapy
3. Biological therapy
4. Clinical trials
5. Operation and radiation

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